Private Exam Entry Form

Application Form
Indicates a successful or positive action. Please fillup the forms and upload a ID Card of candidate.

Subject Name Subject Code (e.g. Edexcel GCSE Maths 1MA0) Exam Board UCI Number if you did exam before

The information on this form will be held both electronically and as a hard copy for the purposes of student account administration within Excellent Academy only, and will be destroyed when the student leaves permanently and the student account is closed. Data will not be disclosed to any external without your express written consent.

Terms and Conditions:

As a private candidate, you take full responsibility for filling the exam application accurately, being aware of the conditions and fees on the Exam Application form. Excellent Academy cannot be held responsible for mistakes in the completion of your form. You MUST familiarise yourself with the rules of examinations and certification as issued by your exam board. We do not accept any threatening and abusive behaviour to our staff and attempt to maintain a level of respect at all times.

Data Protection

  • The information on this form will be held both electronically and as a hard copy for the purposes of student account administration within Excellent Academy. We process data in compliance with data protection laws.

Document Checklist – To be included with the application

  • Photo ID: A valid passport, valid photographic EU identity card, valid photographic driving licence or any other valid ID card which can be scanned or emailed over.
  • You are required to bring your Photo ID with you to the exams.

Exams & Registration

Accuracy of Entry Codes

Access arrangements

Exam Fees

Refunds and cancellations

Statement of Entry and Exam Clashes

Exam regulations – on the exam day

 Regulations, including those set by the government regulators, require the following:

Results day and certificates

We ask for all prospective private candidates and parents to read and understand the above terms before any payment is made and entries are registered.

I agree to the above terms and conditions and I have no questions about it.