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The AS exams are typically completed at the end of year 12. These exams are often internal exams (exams produced by individual schools and not specific exams produced by exam boards) which have the greatest role in influencing the predicted grades a teacher will provide and produces valuable insight into a student’s progress through the year and their ability to progress to year 13. Predicted grades play an important role in a student’s academic journey in sixth form and in year eleven. Predicted grades are produced by teachers to represent what a student will be able to achieve in their final examinations; this process is important as the application processes for subsequent stages in education are often long before a student’s exams. For example, a student applying for university or an apprenticeship will need to submit their predicted grades to UCAS or their potential employer respectively far in advance of their A-level examinations. Therefore, we have always fairly assessed our students’ progress and always predict grades that reflect their diligent endeavours and academic potential. We are able to provide these predicted grades for all of our students and persistently strive to aid our students with all aspects of their applications to higher education and employment.