Coursework and Non-Examined Assessment

What is Non-Examined Assessment (NEA)?

Non-Examined Assessment does not require an end point examination. This includes Science practicals, Geography Field Trips, English Language Speaking Exams, Foreign Language Speaking Test, English Coursework, Art Practicals, and coursework assignments in History, English and other subjects.

Excellent Academy can provide help with the majority of NEA subjects. We are open to discussing additional options with you and other coursework assignments.

What subjects include a NEA element?

A-Level English

A Level English Language and Literature have a NEA element that needs to be marked by an approved Exam Centre and moderated by an external examiner for you to receive your qualification.

Excellent Academy provides help and assistance with writing your NEA and selecting the books you may want to study to maximise your grades. Please contact us to discuss how we can assist you.

A-Level History

A Level History has a mandatory NEA element where you are required to write an essay about a historical event and this can often be difficult for students undertaking this subject. At Excellent Academy, we have specialised and experienced tutors who can help you with this assignment.

A-level Computer Science

The coursework component of A-level Computer Science is worth 20% of your final grade in which you are expected to analyse a problem of your choice and design, develop, test, evaluate and document a program in a suitable programming language. This independent task often takes weeks of dedication to complete but our tutors at Excellent Academy are here to assist you every step of the way so that you can achieve the best results that you can.

A Level and GCSE Science

Excellent Academy is able to arrange A-Level practicals via our authorised partner centres. You can then take your written exam in the Excellent Academy centre. It is imperative that you inform us at the time of application whether you need to take/retake your practicals or if you would like to carry you previous practical endorsement forward.

GCSE Sciences have a practical element which we do not deliver so we do not offer these exams UNLESS you are carrying forward your practical endorsement. Therefore, we recommend candidates sit International GCSE Sciences with Pearson Edexcel where an additional exam paper can be taken as an alternative to the practical.

GCSE English Language

We are able to coordinate all aspects of the GCSE English Language exam including both the written and the speaking components of the qualification. You can easily book a session and complete this short assessment with us. Assistance can also be provided if help is needed to prepare for the session.

IF you do not wish to undertake the speaking component, we advise you instead apply with us to take the International GCSE with Pearson Edexcel so you can progress without the speaking component. Please check with any Higher qualification institution you wish to join before making this decision.


Excellent Academy provides any assistance you may need with GCSE and A-Level Geography. We will also aid you in completing your field work in Stratford. Please contact us to make any necessary arrangements.


Excellent Academy have specialised tutors who can cover a broad range of languages including Arabic, Japanese, Chinese and Italian. We understand the difficulty many candidates experience in finding a suitable exam centre to help with the speaking component of language assessments.

Language exams take place in April and May at our Exam Centres. A date is usually decided by the availability of our experienced tutors, however we do our best to accommodate our students as much as possible.

To see what we currently offer, please visit our Fees List. If you do not find the language you wish to study, get in touch with us to discuss.

Other Subjects

Outside of the subjects listed on this page, we can provide support with a wide range of subjects that contain a NEA element. Please visit our Fees List for more details and feel free to contact to discuss how we can help.