Exam Registration Form

Previous Exam Details if any:

Terms and Conditions:

As a private candidate, you take full responsibility for filling the exam application accurately and being aware of the conditions and fees on the Exam Application form. Excellent Academy cannot be held responsible for mistakes in the completion of your form. You MUST familiarise yourself with the rules of examinations and certification as issued by your exam board. We do not accept any threatening or abusive behaviour towards our staff and strive to maintain a respectful environment at all times.

Data Protection:

  • The information on this form will be held both electronically and as a hard copy for the purposes of student account administration within Excellent Academy. We process data in compliance with data protection laws.

  • Document Checklist – To be included with the application:

  • Photo ID: A valid passport, valid photographic EU identity card, valid photographic driving licence or any other valid ID card which can be scanned or emailed over.
  • You are required to bring your Photo ID with you to the exams.

  • Exam & Registration:

  • You are solely responsible for answering all questions in the application form honestly, completely and to the best of your knowledge and also for ensuring that all information is correct. Failure to do so may lead to incorrect exam registrations and not being able to sit for exams.
  • You are responsible to ensure that any exam or services you purchase are suited to your requirements. Excellent Academy is not responsible for your grades and marking as we only facilitate exams on behalf of exam boards.
  • You need to provide your UCI or ULN but if you do not have this, we will provide one. The UCI and ULN can be found in previous certificates and Statement of Entry.

  • Accuracy of Entry Codes:

  • You are responsible for providing clear information with regard to the examinations you wish to be entered for. This means providing the correct unit codes and option details.
  • Please note, the entry will not be accepted, if the information provided by the candidates is missing or in any way misleading or unclear.
  • Entry fees will not be refunded if the incorrect unit codes have been supplied.

  • Access Arrangements:

  • Prospective private (external) candidates who require extra time in their examinations should inform Excellent Academy when registering. Students must also provide supporting documentation for any additional time allowances. Prospective private (external) candidates who require extra time in their examinations should inform Excellent Academy when registering. Students must also provide supporting documentation for any additional time allowances.
  • As a private centre, we have limited facilities for access arrangements and private candidates are expected to pay for additional services.
  • There is no guarantee that we can accommodate all students with access arrangements for examinations.
  • Under no circumstances will we accept applications from potential private candidates who bring us out of date and documentation that is incomplete
  • Likewise, no applications for access arrangements will be accepted after the deadline for all relevant examinations.

  • Exam Fee:

  • Exam entries cannot be made until payment has been made in full. Payment can be made by Bank transfer or cash.
  • Spaces for exams fill up quickly so it is important to book your spot as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

  • Refunds and Cancellations:

  • Cancellation requests must be sent to exams@excellentacademy.co.uk. No refunds will be issued for applications received after the entry deadline.
  • In the event of cancellation or failure to turn up for the examination at the correct time, no refund will be issued.
  • In the event of exceptional extenuating circumstances, for example, a period in hospital which prevents the candidate from taking an examination – the entry will be deferred to the next available examination date.
  • £50 for each GCSE and £100 for each A LEVEL will be charge if you cancel exam before entry deadline.

  • Statement of Entry and Exam Clashes:

  • When your registration and payment is processed, a Statement of Entry will be emailed to your email address.
  • You must review the Statement of Entry carefully for any errors and inform us as soon as possible resolve any mistakes.
  • It is the candidate’s responsibility to inform Excellent Academy with any information relating to errors in the Statement of Entry.

  • Exam regulations – on the exam day:

    Regulations, including those set by the government regulators, require the following:

  • You must arrive on time.
  • All morning exams commence at 9.00am (doors open at 8.45am).
  • All afternoon exams commence at 1.30pm (doors open at 13.15pm).
  • You must bring your photo ID
  • You must bring the correct stationery in order to complete your examinations. No other items are allowed into the exam room, including scientific calculator, watch, bags, phones etc
  • No food or drink is allowed in the building. Only water in clear plastic bottles with no labels is permitted.

  • Results day and certificates:

  • Results can be collected from the centre by candidates free of charge. You must bring your Photo ID. If you wish for us to email the results to you, this is also free of charge.
  • Certificates arrive after 3 months and a £15 charge will be subject to any certificates that are posted to a candidate’s address. It is free of charge if collected from the centre.

  • We ask for all prospective private candidates and parents to read and understand the above terms before any payment is made and entries are registered.