Exam Boards

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Exam Boards at Excellent Academy

At Excellent Academy, we are committed to reducing the stress of examinations and providing students with a seamless and supportive experience. A key part of this commitment is ensuring accessibility to a broad range of qualifications. To offer maximum convenience and flexibility to our candidates, we collaborate with all major examination authorities in the United Kingdom, including AQA, Edexcel (Pearson), OCR, Cambridge International, and Eduqas (WJEC).

1. AQA

AQA is one of the UK’s largest exam boards, recognized for its comprehensive subject offerings and accessible assessments. It provides a wide range of GCSE and A-Level qualifications, with a strong emphasis on the sciences, making it a preferred choice for many schools nationwide.

2. Edexcel (Pearson)

Operated by Pearson, Edexcel is an internationally recognized exam board offering traditional GCSEs and A-Levels, as well as IGCSEs and International A-Levels. It is particularly renowned for its mathematics qualifications, making it a preferred choice for students aiming for excellence in this subject.

3. OCR (Oxford, Cambridge, and RSA Examinations)

OCR offers a diverse selection of qualifications, including both academic and vocational courses. It stands out for its innovative assessment methods and specialized subject offerings, catering to a variety of learning styles and career aspirations.

4. Cambridge International

Cambridge International provides globally recognized qualifications, including IGCSEs, International A-Levels, and the Cambridge Pre-U, offering an alternative to traditional A-Levels. These programs are designed to develop critical thinking and independent learning, preparing students for higher education and global career opportunities.

5. Eduqas (WJEC)

Eduqas delivers a wide array of subjects with a particular focus on bilingual education and Welsh contextual learning. It is known for its rigorous assessment standards and comprehensive qualification framework.

At Excellent Academy, we ensure that students have access to the best possible exam pathways, helping them achieve their academic goals with confidence and success.